Montgomery County Intermediate Unit 23

MCIU 23 Construction Manager Services Request for Proposal August 2 nd , 2022

Our philosophy is simple: We will treat your project like it is our own home. We will maintain the same staff on your project from start to finish to maintain continuity, accountability, and make sure we deliver value to the MCIU 23. We believe having the team assembled from the beginning and continuing through completion of the project is most important for a client and for the efficiency of delivering our services to fulfil out contractual obligations. We believe it is so important that we will demand the same continuity from all team members. Arif Fazil, P.E., CCS, CCCA, LEED AP, CEM: President of DEI The Principal-in-Charge of our proposed services, Arif Fazil, has been planning, budgeting, and implementing projects for public clients for more than 30 years. He is a licensed Professional Engineer, Certified Construction Specifier, LEED AP, and Certified Energy Manager. As the president of the firm, Arif sets the standard by which our staff operate each day. He is an expert in shielding public clients from the risks of construction, and is a trusted advisor through complex planning, budgeting, design, approvals, bidding, and construction phases of projects. James “Jamie” Lynch, CCM, AVS, Principal: Senior Project Manager & Value Engineering With more than 25 years of dedicated experience in scheduling, project controls and project management, Mr. Lynch is an expert in the oversight and management of private and public projects. His experience includes design contract oversight, value engineering studies, constructability reviews, bid phase oversight, front end specification preparation, regulatory and municipal approvals and construction phase management in the field. He will be your single point of accountability throughout the Great Valley School project. Peter M. Garland, PE: DEI Principal: Structural Engineering Mr. Garland is a Professional Engineer with more than 25 years in structural design and engineering management experience, the development of design concepts, specification writing, project coordination and supervision from design through construction, renovation of existing structures, evaluating water and fire-damaged structures, and designing retrofit solutions. He will be responsible for the review of the building’s structural and envelope as needed during the design. William Hambly, CDT : Construction Representative With 25 years of experience, Mr. Hambly has a unique ability to pursue all the details of a job while still keeping the big picture organized. Bill is knowledgeable in all aspects of building systems and is relentless in pursuing resolution of all items. Bill will bring credibility to the project and his communication skills will be a valuable asset to the construction team. Technical Specialists

Construction Management Services Proposed Staff 2 | P a g e

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