The Hill School
Roadmap to Project Success
SYSTEM FOCUS & VALUE ENGINEERING Our staff is adept at facilitating meaningful colla oration between Owner, Architect, and CM ea in the design to select the best systems, ident strategies to reduce the project cost, shorten t schedule, and improve long-term maintenan and energy consumption. 7
BEGINWITH THE END IN MIND Right from the start we focus the team on the educational program and the goals of the stakeholders. Sound Concept Planning and Budgeting is a DEI hallmark.
MULTI-DISCIPLINE TEAM As construction managers we do more than shuffle paper. We bring a wide array of highly skilled and licensed architects and engineers to every project to provide techni- cal solutions to issues and implements best practices
SCHEDULE-DRIVEN APPROACH Our schedule-driven approach means planning the work then working the plan. During design, DEI documents well-defined milestones for each team member, which establishes clear accountability for the project schedule during design and construction.
PROCUREMENT From design agreements to the selection of support professionals and ultimately the procurement of bricks andmortar, we strategically protect K-12 owners from
risk. 4
BUDGETING EXPERTISE Our estimating team, led by Certified Profe al Estimator, prepares comprehensive bu early in the project, updates this b throughout the design phase, and use budget to “reign in” the architect when n to keep within the available funds.
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