Structural Design & Analysis
At D’Huy Engineering, Inc., licensed engineers with advanced educational degrees and decades of practical experience provide clients with superior technical exper- tise and innovative solutions to complex prob- lems. The capabilities of our experienced and talented design staff is further enhanced by the expertise available from DEI’s forensic, project management and facilities personnel.
Educational & Public Facilities D’Huy Engineering, Inc. has established a strong reputation for providing practical, innovative and economical structur- al design solutions for both Educational and Public Facilities. Our design service experience in this arena is further en- hanced by the insight provided through in house facilities engineering staff, which ensures that our structural designs are well coordinated with the Client’s schedule and budget.
Our design and analysis efforts incorporate the aspects of ingenuity, constructibility and economy to deliver to our clients practical creative structural design solutions. DEI maintains a design philosophy which recognizes the need to combine the advantag- es of rapidly evolving computer technology with the traditional attributes of engineering judgment and experience. Our engineering design capabilities extend from new building construction to the renovation and resto- ration of existing and historic structures, and include design of foundation and retaining wall systems and specialty structures. Many clients have come to us by “word of mouth”, and our long list of repeat clientele is a testa- ment to the quality of the product we pro- duce.
Commercial, Retail, Industrial and Office Facilities D’Huy Engineering, Inc. performs structural design for a variety of commercial, office, retail and industrial buildings. These projects can vary significantly in both structural re- quirements and overall project scope, encompassing addi- tions, renovations and new construction. A significant aspect of these projects is determining the owner’s priorities relating to cost, schedule, use and life expectancy. Since the structural systems utilized for these projects are dependent on structure type and architectural requirements, clients are appreciative of our experience in determining the most appropriate struc- tural system, the most cost effective structural materials, and the most buildable structural design.
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