Reading School District
R eading School District Construction Manager Services Request for Qualifications January 4, 2022
make sure the bid documents clearly define the contractors’ responsibility at every stage and for each system. As we say, we “rehearse for construction” right from the start. 5. Schedule
We recognize that the schedule in both design and construction will drive the project. Our understanding of the requirements from the Conservation District, City, Municipal and Utility perspectives, and our knowledge of building systems enables us to develop an integrated and realistic schedule. DEI’s phasing plans and schedule clearly define responsibilities for each item, assigning it to specific team members with milestone completion dates. In construction, a detailed Critical Path Method (CPM) schedule is essential to defining interim dates for key site and building activities that each prime contractor must
achieve. The integration of the phasing plan in the bid documents and a detailed CPM schedule make the project requirements and milestone dates clear to bidders which means more competitive bids for the District. 6. Risk & Liability Reduction DEI continuously manages risk and liability reduction starting with clear documentation, sound front end specifications, assignment of responsibilities followed up with a milestone schedule, and pro- active monitoring of accountability & actions plans. We minimize the District’s risk by providing constructability reviews to ensure that the bid documents are clear and concise, a criteria that DEI projects are well known for. Our constructability reviews reduce any conflicts and ambiguities which reduce the potential for change orders during construction. The result is an excellent set of bid documents that attract competition for the project and result in project savings.
These project priorities of safety, budget, quality, schedule, Owner criteria, and risk reduction will be at the forefront of the services that we will provide the District. The project complexities include the site restraints of working in an occupied facility, nearby residences, and public streets. We have addressed these factors on many projects. Our approach makes sure that safe operations are maintained while still providing for efficient construction, so the District gets the value, quality, and a final outcome that exceeds expectations.
Reading School District Construction Management Services Relevant Experience & References Page 12 of 15
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