Reading School District

We have developed solutions for all our clients projects to address the challenges that 2020 and 2021 presented and to keep them all on schedule and on budget. We have been a trusted partner for our clients in delegating ESSER and other funds to be used to on necessary upgrades to improve the safety and condition of the schools with a focus on energy savings, improved air quality, and providing best value. The DEI team’s superior technical expertise and decades of practical experience provides a unique combination of personnel that are trained to manage and guide preliminary conceptual planning, schematic design, budget preparation, final design, bid and construction of projects. Our attention to detail will provide the RSD with a system-based value engineering approach that delivers best value to the project. The attention to detail and focus on providing complete documentation results in reduced liability and clear, concise, and complete bidding documents which translates into project savings beginning with the competitive bidding process. The integration of our experienced construction experts and the involvement of design professionals in the value engineering and constructability review process during the pre-design, design, and construction phases results in successful projects. The specific contents in this submission for your review are as requested in your RFQ and include: Section 1: Applicant Profile & Unique Qualifications Section 2: Relevant Experience & References Pullout 1 - Why DEI? Summary of Your Qualification Requirements Pullout 2 – Project & Client References Appendix A: Financial Capacity & Litigation Statement We are tireless advocates for the districts we serve which is displayed by our repeat clients and their testimonials about our successful work. Our promise is that we will treat your project like it was our own home! Please contact me if you require further information and/or if we can set up an interview at 610.865.3000 (office), 484.357.6457 (cell), or my email at Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, D’HUY ENGINEERING, INC. M. Arif Fazil, PE, LEED AP, CEM, CCS, CCCA Jamie Lynch, CCM President Principal Pullout 3 – Cheston Site Plan – A Similar Project Pullout 4 – Broughal Site Plan – A Similar Project Pullout 5 – Your Project Site Plan – How We Think Write Up - Project Plan & Experience Section 3: Key Personnel Section 4: Proposed Subconsultants

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