Reading School District

Reading School District Construction Manager Services Request for Qualifications January 4, 2022

PROJECT PLAN D’Huy works hard at the start of each project to assemble a detailed project plan, budget, and schedule to achieve success. For Reading, we know the steps necessary to complete the design and permitting process. This portion of the project needs to be carefully planned and expedited to meet the desired schedule. There are several parallel paths during design including the City land development and permitting process, the County Conservation District NPDES permit, and the architectural design all of which require close coordination, scheduling, and decisions by the District. D’Huy will assemble and monitor the schedule for all of these activities, continuously updating the project budget, and prompt the team members for action to keep to the work moving. The budget for the project will be vetted by DEI immediately to ensure that not only construction costs are understood, but that soft costs including utility connections, instructional technology, and furniture are all included. We also will confirm that appropriate contingencies are included for ongoing inflation, the staging requirements of working in the City, and all design fees. Our quick but thorough development of the schedule and budget will provide a roadmap for project. It will be updated regularly to keep the team on track. Finally, it will be essential to determine and confirm the building program of requirements so that site and building design can proceed. The number of classrooms, the size of the gym and auditorium, the requirements for the Cafeteria and Media Center will all need to be determined with you educational specialists. Requirements for the building network, instructional technology, security, CCTV, telephone and HVAC, plumbing and electrical systems need to be confirmed and integrated with the building design. DEI orchestrates the progression of all of this work, serving as the District’s knowledgebase for design and construction issues while always protecting the District from risk. Our efforts to assemble sound contracts, accurately predict costs, implement project delivery strategies and incentives, and adeptly manage construction in the field will turn this Plan into an exceptional reality for the District. As we say…

”Plan the Work and then Work the Plan”

Reading School District Construction Management Services Relevant Experience & References Page 1 of 1

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