Pennsbury School District, Pennwood Middle School

Work Plan, Scope and Fee



Clearly Define Owner Criteria and Program Requirements

Methodical Pu During Design

• Space programming including room sizes and quantities will be based on enrollment and curriculum needs. • We will create “Guiding Principles” specific to project and team; for example:

-21 st Century Learning Environment -Practical, Flexible Building design -Energy Efficient Pursue LEED?

-Ease of maintainability -Sensible site features

4 Relentless Focus on Budget and Best Value • Agreement on a comprehensive project budget is par amount. The district must be comfortable, the budget must be flexible and it must cover all the “what if’s“ • DEI will prepare a system-by-system budget to establish realistic expectations and provide accountability at all levels and through all project phases. • DEI uses a continuous Value Engineering (VE) process to help reduce cost and increase function. WE focus on project goals to guide decisions throughout the design process. Value = Function Cost


Diligent Conce on Schedule a

• DEI’s first step after being hir detailed design phase schedu and approval timelines. • An interim construction sche and integrated into the contr important milestones. • The purpose of all schedules accountable, the design team PSD to ensure the project is c criteria are met!

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