Pennsbury School District, Pennwood Middle School
Respondent Profile
Firm Overview
Project Team: Bringing You the Best and Bri
A. Firm Name: D’Huy Engineering, Inc. One East Broad Street, Suite 310 Bethlehem, PA 18018 B. Small / Diverse Status: PA Department of General Services
James “Jaime” Lynch, CCM, AVS,-Principal Senior Project Manager Mr. Lynch manages of public K-12 projects and holds degrees in both architecture and civil engineering. His familiarity with the District during Pennwood MS and will save time and money. He will be your single point of accountability throughout the work and will report directly to the Board and community as needed.
Small / Diverse Business #337252-2012-080SB NMSDC Minority Business Cert. NO. PT0568 C. Point OF Contact:
Kimberly LaBrake, AIA Building Systems & Codes / Permits
Mrs. LaBrake is a registered architect and worked with Jamie during the Pennwood project by assist- ing with design issues, project phasing and code inspections. She will assist by providing reviews of the building system work scopes and in identifying code & permitting hurdles.
James Lynch 484-357-8969 D. Staff at Your Service:
22 Project & Senior Project Managers 13 Licensed Professional Engineers 17 Resident Project Representatives 4 Registered Architects 5 Certified Professional Estimators 1 Certified Professional Estimator 5 LEED Accredited Professionals 3 Certified Energy Managers
Kristen Spadafora, CDT Project Controls Specialist
B. Ethan Fick, PE, LEED AP Mechanical Construction
Michael Hartney Electrical Construction
Complete pro
Rigorous coordination of addenda and tracking of contractor engagement
Recurring design and constructability reviews to prioritize roof HVAC, ADA,se- curity and program upgrades
Laser-focus on establishing Boehm goals and Owner priorities
Finalizing comprehensive front-end documents customized to the specific project to reduce risk to Owner
Provide effective bid strategies to increase competition and eliminate bid day surprises
Lock down project scope and budget with Architect and Lower Makefield Township
Completed in 2018, this project is a shining example of DEI’s project and construction management expertise. The LEED Gold Middle School consisted of a full renovation to the existing 190,000 SF school and a classroom addition of 8,000 SF. Within the project scope the entire interior layout, existing electrical, mechanical and plumbing systems was upgraded with new high efficiency systems. The renovation included new lockers, finishes, fire suppression system, enhanced security for the students through the relocation of the Administration suite and new secure main entrance system. Also, the site was reconfigured to allow for increased parking and efficient traffic flow. DEI provided the following services:
• Pre-Construction Oversight • Project Administration • Sustainability and LEED Certification
• Value Engineering • Constructibility Reviews • Multi-Prime Construction Management
• Bidding and Procurement • Contractor Management • Startup/Commissioning Coordination
The entire project was accomplished while not disrupting the District’s educational program. It was completed on time and on budget with a final construction cost of $38,100,000.
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