Pennsbury School District, Pennwood Middle School
“D’Huy Engineering took the initiative to convince our administration and Board of the benefits of maximizing energy efficiency to reduce long term ‘operational costs’ which allowed us to qualify for LEED Gold. In addition, D’Huy reduced the ‘first cost’ for our project by helping us obtain a $2M Energy Grant. D’Huy Engineering is a consistent and strong owner advocate and demonstrates why they are Easton Area School District’s TRUSTED engineering and project management firm of choice for all our facility needs.
-John Reinhart Superintendent, Easton Area School District
“D’Huy Engineering is our “go to“ construction manager for our complex pool and central plant project. D’Huy’s employees are resourceful, energetic, and diligent and keep everyone accountable. D’Huy’s expertise and experience in all facets of constructionmakethemkeymembersofour team. Theyare instrumental tothesuccessful completion of our project.”
-Gerry Moore Director of Buildings and Grounds, Wissahickon School District
“D’Huy’s has always put the needs of our students first. Our High School project had so many challenges because we basically built the new building on top of the old building. Not only did DEI minimize the disruption but we also worked with them to provide an opportunity for our students and teachers to use the construction as a learning took. Because of them, our students and community is greatly benefiting from our new high school.”
-Art Levinowitz President of School Board, Upper Dublin School District
“D’Huy was ‘on top’ of our project details and always available to respond to the District’s issues and concerns. Without a doubt, I hold D’Huy in the highest regard.”
-Matthew Malinowski Business Manager, School District of Upper Moreland Township
“D’Huy Engineering understands the importance of relationships and clear communication — even when dealing with complex technical issues. They take the time to make sure that information is accurate and understandable and to our many stakeholders.”
-Mark Stein Chief Facilities and Operations Officer, Bethlehem Area School District
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