New Fire Station #3 and New Fire Station #73 for Northampton Township
Station #73
Northampton Township Fire Station #73 Project Number: 721001
Overall Project Schedule Status
Sitework Phasing (See Current Phase and Schedule Status) Building Phasing B1 to B4 - Place foundations. Complete under slab MEP rough-in. Complete slab on grade and cure time. B5 to B7 - Erect structural steel. Complete exterior masonry walls. Complete roof (building to be watertight). B8 to B12 - Complete interior CMU walls, metal studs. Complete in-wall MEP rough-ins. Complete overhead mechanical, plumbing, sprinkler, electric and data rough-ins. B13 to B16 - Install GWB walls and soffits. Complete painting. Energize permanent power. Install ceiling grid and set ceiling mounted devices. B17 to B20 - Install casework. Install floor finishes in all areas except apparatus bays. Install vehicle exhaust system. Install floor finish apparatus bays. B21 to B24 - Complete fire alarm and security system. MEP start-up. Relocated offices from trailers to inside bldg. Complete elevator inspection. B25 to B28 - Complete all final inspections. Complete final cleaning. Punchlist preparation and Contractor correction period. Owner training of all building systems. B29 to B31 - Substantial completion, Final completion. Owner furniture, fixtures and equipment move-in and occupy. S1 to S4 - NTP,process shop dwgs/submittal/begin procurement. Disconnect exist utilities to exist Fire Station. Install temp E&S/construction fence, protect Verizon building. S5 to S9 - Demo existing fire station incl footings, foundations and existing underground fuel oil tank. Install staging area, construction entrance, construction trailers, temporary, power, site lighting and communication from existing utilities. EC provide temporary overhead connections. Route new utilities for Verizon bldg. Install stormwater basin and connect to street and storm sewer piping to basin. S10 to S14 - Prepare bldg.pad, install underground electric and gas to bldg.pad. Install sanitary piping. Sewer piping connect to street pipe. Complete rough grading, install retaining walls. S15 to S20 - Remove construction trailers. Inst. ext. light bases, posts, lights. Inst. conc. curbs, stone base, base course paving for const. access. Inst. final paving and line striping. Complete final grading, seeding and landscaping. Current Phase and Schedule Status
Issues Resolved Unsuitable soils are being removed and replaced with engineered fill.
Contract General Contractor: E. R. Stuebner, Inc. Mechanical Contractor: JBM Mechanical, Inc. Electrical Contractor: Philips Brothers Electrial Contractors, Inc. Plumbing Contractor: JBM Mechanical, Inc.
Contract Amount
$ $ $ $ $
19,247,000 3,021,000 3,615,000 2,100,000 27,983,000
$ $ $ $ $
Total Total Soft Costs: Current Remaining Project Contingency
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