Montgomery County Intermediate Unit 23

MCIU 23 Construction Manager Services Request for Proposal August 2 nd , 2022

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION D’Huy Engineering, Inc. (DEI) is an equal opportunity employer that does not discriminate against any person based on race, color, religion, national origin, gender orientation and identity, or sexual orientation. DEI abides by all state and federal regulations regarding affirmative action and furthermore is a Minority Business Enterprise. Any D’Huy Engineering staff will provide proper PA State required clearances especially those related to Public School Code and Child Protective Services Law prior to working on Montgomery County IU 23 District property. DEI is authorized and fully licensed to practice engineering and other business services in the state of Pennsylvania. FINANCIAL CAPACITY D’Huy Engineering, Inc. certifies that D’Huy Engineering, Inc. or any subsidiary (ies) are not indebted to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and will not at any time during the term of the contract be indebted to the District, for or on account of any delinquent taxes, liens, judgements, fees, other debts for which no written agreement or payment plan satisfactory to the District has been established. COMPLIANCE CAPACITY D’Huy Engineering, Inc. certifies that D’Huy Engineering, Inc. has the capacity to comply with all requirements identified in the RFP. DEFAULTS & LITIGATION STATEMENT DEI has been in business for over 45 years and has not been found at fault for any issues resulting from its services through arbitration or litigation. DEI is a privately held company with no outstanding debts; we also own our vehicles and equipment, as well as our offices in historic Bethlehem and Ambler, PA and Wilmington, DE. Our track record for paying invoices and our credit standing is excellent. We have not utilized our line of credit in over 8 years which confirms our excellent financial position. DEI’s exceptional performance record has also allowed us to be grandfathered in a $3 million professional liability policy with dollar one defense, which means we pay nothing for any defense. We would be able to provide you with any of our confidential financial information under separate cover. The following is contact information for DEI’s accountant, Keith Bachman. If you have any questions regarding our firm’s financial status, we encourage you to contact Mr. Bachman. D’Huy Engineering, Inc. is not in and has not been in violation of regulatory rules and regulations that may have any impact on its operations.

Keith Bachman 610.351.9800

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