Montgomery County Intermediate Unit 23

MCIU 23 Construction Manager Services Request for Proposal August 2 nd , 2022

Early work items such as foundation stabilization & dewatering, winter concrete placement, and utility installation benefit from pre-planning the work so that all stakeholders are aware of the required shop drawings, materials testing, and work practices expected during each task. DEI takes the lead in these efforts to schedule the meeting, communicate the requirements, and document the criteria for acceptance. Finally, our examination of the contractor shop drawing schedule is meant to identify that all materials on the project are properly reviewed by the architect and that the Owner is given ample time to examine all samples, colors, and mock-ups before they are incorporated in the work. We will manage and coordinate the furniture and technology decisions. During construction, our role as the CM is to help all stakeholders maintain progress, overcome challenges, and develop cost-effective solutions. We do this by documenting all facets of the work, holding all stakeholders accountable for their responsibilities, and communicating where action is required. Our Construction Manager’s Monthly Report will document all matters related to construction and provide a narrative on project issues followed by a compilation of status reports related to project cost, QA/QC, shop drawings and RFIs, schedule, occupancy planning, change order status, safety, affirmative action & regulatory compliance, and recommendations for the work ahead. Each of these areas will be addressed on a daily basis by our on-site field representative with the results and action recorded in our ProjectMates database. As a result, Montgomery County Intermediate Unit 23 will remain in control of the project. We establish the quality control process for the work, the testing of materials and the training of MCIU personnel during construction. Contractors know that a DEI-managed job will hold them accountable for high quality work while at the same time driving the project schedule to completion. At DEI, we repeatedly say, “BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND.” Our on-site field representative will coordinate the testing, activation, and adjustment of all systems right from the start. As soon as we mobilize, the lists of start-up activities are generated so that we are continuously reminding the contractor of their responsibility to finish for the District. We will schedule demonstrations and certifications required of the contractors to introduce District personnel to the various building systems. Final testing will also be monitored and copies of warrantees, spare parts, and manufacturer sign-offs will be secured. 5.0 DEI ’S ORGANIZED COMMISSIONING AND CLOSE-OUT PROCESS IS INVALUABLE

We continuously maintain a checklist of all items required for facility start-up. This list is compiled at the beginning of the project and is used to manage the work. At the end of the project, the checklist is used to confirm that all specified items have been provided, as well as being used as a pre-curser to the punchlist. DEI’s field representative will assemble a Project Start-up Plan on the basis of the design documents and coordinate the operational testing to be conducted by the contractor’s vendors and subcontractors, and the work of the District Commissioning

Construction Management Services Project Approach 7 | P a g e

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