Kennett Consolidated School District

construction of projects. Our attention to detail will provide the District with a system-based value engineering approach that delivers best value to the project. The attention to detail and focus on providing complete documentation results in reduced liability, and clear, concise, and complete bidding documents, which translate into project savings beginning with the competitive bidding process. The integration of our experienced construction experts and the involvement of design professionals in the value engineering and constructability review process during the pre-design, design, and construction phases results in successful projects. • We are there when you need us! YOUR project is OUR project, it’s personal • Licensed principals of the firm and senior level staff directly involved in your project • Professional staff readily available with expertise in the fields of construction, planning, project management, facilities engineering, mechanical and electrical systems, architecture, sustainable practices (LEED) including energy savings & grants, technology, civil & structural design, cost estimating, critical path scheduling and energy management • A proven track record and capabilities for planning Capital Improvement Projects (CIP), Feasibility Studies and Master Planning • Extensive experience in building new facilities on or near existing school operations and residential areas • Working firsthand knowledge of the various regulatory, municipal, and state approvals, including expert knowledge in PlanCon • Full-service construction phase services with a proven track record of completing projects on time, on or below budget and without litigation • Incorporating DEI’s services and management approaches would provide the Kennett Cosolidated School District with a single point of communication We are tireless Owner advocates which is displayed by our repeat clients and their testimonials about our successful work. Our promise is that we will treat your project like it was our own home! Please contact me if you require further information and/or if we can set up an interview at 610.865.3000 (office), 484.357.8969 (cell) or my email at Thank you for your time and consideration. Some of the specific features of our team’s approach include:


James P. Lynch, CCM, AVS




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