Improvement to Southern Lehigh Field Complex


TERMS & CONDITIONS: In accepting this proposal, the School District agrees and accepts the following: • Customer/Owner responsible for: o Removal of all equipment prior to MSC arrival/site mobilization o Proper lighting, electric supply, as applicable to the scope of work, water supply o Security of the project site/space during work period, including appropriate signage, as applicable o 24/7 access to project site, as needed o Permit fees o Tax exempt certificate • Quote valid for 45 days • Proposal based on current asphalt liquid index. The asphalt liquid index at the time of installation will be factored into the final cost. • Any completion date given is subject to change because of adverse weather conditions, site conditions/and or any condition, not controlled by MSC that might alter MSC’s ability to perform its work. MSC will not be responsible for delays due to these conditions. • This proposal is based on current material, rental, and labor pricing as of the date of this proposal. If the project is delayed or our work under this proposal is pushed into another calendar year, MSC will be entitled to a price increase matching any increased in Labor (PW rates as well as base rate) and increase in material costs as posted by approved system supplier. • MSC cannot be responsible for the failure of a pavement to support a normal workload in the performance of the proposed work. More specifically, if it is required of MSC to travel over an asphalt or concrete pavement with any supply truck to furnish specific work, MSC cannot be responsible for the failure of the pavement profile and sub grade to support the supply truck. MSC will not be responsible for any remedial work required to repair any damaged areas due to normal construction traffic. • Payment Terms: o Project to be invoiced per AIA progress billing. o Installation/labor services to be billed monthly based on scope completion. Net 30 o 1.5% per month late fee for any unpaid balance o Applicable service charges will be added for credit card payment(s) • Quote is based on 2022 installation and includes all Contractor and Manufacturer Qualifications. • Price includes certified payroll, prevailing, price does not include union wages

ACCEPTED The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted: Southern Lehigh School District, Authorized Agent


Miller Sports Construction (MSC)



Title: Date:

Title: Date:

To process this order please sign and fax to 610.626.3000 or email to Please follow with a purchase order, as applicable. Thank you for your consideration. Bill Miller

Corporate Office 827 Lincoln Avenue Suite 15 West Chester, PA 19380 Tel: 610.626.1000 Fax: 610.626.3000

Virginia Office 5 715 South LaburnumAvenue Richmond, VA 23231 Tel: 804.405.4884 Fax: 610.626.3000


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