Improvement to Southern Lehigh Field Complex
32 18 23.33 - Running Track Surfacing – Pricing will compare multiple track manufacturers Synthetic Track – Red Surfacing 32 31 13 - Chain Link Fences & Gates 4'H Chain-Link Fence (Black Vinyl Coated) Allowance for fencing and gates to enclose the bleachers 32 91 13 - Soil Preparation Soil Amendments 32 92 00 - Lawns & Grasses Sod / Lawn Areas 32 93 00 - Planting Trees
Division 33 - Utilities
33 41 01 - Storm Utility Drainage Piping 12" RCP 12" SLHDPE Pipe 15" HDPE Pipe (Solid) 18" SLHDPE Pipe 24" SLHDPE Pipe 4" Perf. PVC Underdrain 4' Dia. Manhole 4' Dia. Shallow Manhole Basin Liners Capped End (15" HDPE) End Wall Type "M" Inlet Type "M" Inlet w/ Bolt Down MH Lid
33 44 16 - Utility Trench Drains 6"W Channel Drain Channel Drain 33 46 16.19 - Pipe Underdrains 1" x 12" Perf. Pipe 4" Perf. PVC Underdrain
Capped End (4" Perf. PVC Underdrain) Underdrain Catch Basin
BASE SCOPE TOTAL COSTS – Stadium Field Improvements…................................................. $ 7,600,000.00 RecommendedAllowance / Contingency…………………………………………………………………$ 300,000.00 Guaranteed Maximum Price…………………………………………………………………………$ 7,900,000.00 ALTERNATE #1 – ALTERNATE DESIGN BLEACHERS AND LIGHTING RETROFIT …Deduct $ (500,000.00) Supply and Install Alternate Bleacher Design. Design allows for Lighting Poles to stay in current location and lighting fixtures to be changed out withLED fixtures. ALTERNATE #2 SYNTHETIC TURF PAD …................................................................................ $ 130,000.00 Supply and Install 20mmShock padunder synthetic turf. ALTERNATE #3 TRACK AND FIELD EQUIPMENT …............................................................. $ 89,300.00 SupplyNewPole Vault andHigh JumpLanding Pads and 60NewHurdles. ALTERNATE #4 SCOREBOARD UPGRADE …........................................................................... $ 225,000.00 Supply and Install Scoreboardwithdigital sign and sound. Size –Approx. - 13’8” x 24’ – 10 YearWarranty ALTERNATE #5 BLUE TRACK WITH EXCHANGE ZONES … ............................................... $ 60,000.00 Supply and Install Synthetic RunningTrackColors BluewithExchange Zones in place of RedTrackColor.
Corporate Office 827 Lincoln Avenue Suite 15 West Chester, PA 19380 Tel: 610.626.1000 Fax: 610.626.3000
Virginia Office 5 715 South LaburnumAvenue Richmond, VA 23231 Tel: 804.405.4884 Fax: 610.626.3000
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