Greenwood Elementary School

At the onset of 2022, the Greenwood Elementary School Building turns 60 years old and although it still appears clean and functional, that is more a testament to the KCSD staff’s diligent housekeeping and maintenance than the building’s actual condition. From an Infrastructure perspective, over $20 Million in short term repairs & upgrades are required to maintain functional standards but do not address goals to modernize the school. Complete replacement of these systems is needed to improve safety, lighting, health, energy efficiency and decrease ongoing costs. The building envelope is also in need of upgrades and repairs to increase energy efficiency and reduce potential for water and air infiltration which contributes to poor building health issues. The goal of these infrastructure improvements is to provide good lighting, high indoor air quality, outside views and overall positive environment to support the needs of the 21st century learner. Similar issues exist relative to the building layout, poorly lit classrooms and small core spaces stifle learning. Increased program requirements over the past 60 years leaves the building lacking available space to conduct the desired curriculum extras. Some existing spaces have already been divided or converted from intended uses to cover the basic state requirements. From a high level, the teachers and administration are doing an excellent job making do with what they have been given, however, the proposed renovation and addition project will allow them to thrive in learning conditions worthy of their potential.

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