Full-Service Facilities Engineering

Facilities Engineering Qualifications




D’Huy Engineering, Inc. has provided master planning, facility engineering and feasibility studies for many cli- ents over the years. The evidence of our success lies with these clients as they are repeat clients who have come to trust and rely on the quality of our long range capital improvement plan development.

As current infrastructure continues to age and new infrastructure require- ments continue to develop, both pub- lic and private clients are facing new demands for their capital programs. Infrastructure projects often have unique challenges and significant risks due to their scale, location or function. DEI has involvement with the infrastructure capital delivery process including assessments, capi- tal planning, design, bidding and con- struction inspection/management.

Our innovative design solutions com- bined with respect for traditional en- gineering practices create a versatile portfolio of new facility design, his- toric building restoration, structural system rehabilitation, and individual structural component upgrades and strengthening. DEI maintains a collab- orative approachwith the design team to deliver practical, creative, and cost effective structural design solutions.

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