Full-Service Facilities Engineering

D’Huy Engineering, Inc. Established in 1976 Pennsylvania Corporation since October 18, 2002

Philadelphia Regional Office 31 East Butler Avenue Ambler, PA 19002

Office Headquarters One East Broad Street, Suite 310

Delaware Regional Office 1500 W. 7th Street Wilmington, DE 19805

Bethlehem, PA 18018 Phone: 610.865.3000

Fax: 610.865.0181 www.dhuy.com

Firm Principles: M. Arif Fazil, Ronald C. Carr, James P. Lynch, Peter M. Garland, Josh A. Grice, Craig W. Murray, & Henry Guarriello

Firm Officers: M. Arif Fazil, President Ronald C. Carr, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer

Primary Contact M. Arif Fazil, PE, CCS, CCCA, LEED AP, CEM President

Office Phone: 610.865.3000 Cell Phone: 484.357.6457 Email: maf@dhuy.com

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