Full-Service Facilities Engineering
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D’HUY ENGINEERING, INC. Full-Service Facilities Engineering
Project & Construction Management Structural Design & Forensic Engineering Facilities Engineering Infrastructure Planning & Design Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing & Fire Protection Engineering
Firm Overview
46+ YEARS of successful completing projects on time and on budget
Licensed Professional Engineers & Architects and 80+ Employees 24
4 LOCATIONS: Bethlehem, PA Ambler, PA Wilmington, DE
Change Orders in Past 10 years on Total Construction Value of $850M
D’Huy Engineering Inc. (DEI) was established in 1976 as an engineering firm committed to the highest levels of excellence, integrity, communication and documentation. DEI has earned a rock solid reputation for providing successful leadership on public school projects in Pennsylvania with a consistent track record proven by its many long-term repeat clients and relationships. 80% of D’Huy’s business is dedicated to performing public projects in Pennsylvania. Our firm is also a Minority Business Enterprise allowing us to assist with diversity programs and grants. Our Project Management and Facilities Engineering experience provides each client with single source project delivery including planning, pre-design, design and construction phase services. Our firm’s extensive experience, sound engineering judgment, emphasis on quality, innovation, knowledge of construction techniques, and concern for optimizing expenditures, results in unparalleled professional representation for all the Owner’s needs for large and small projects alike. Our repeat clients have come to trust and utilize our Engineering and Capital Improvement
Planning Services so as to minimize facility “surprises,” add value, minimize costs and budget accurately over many years.
$750 Million of construction managed in the past 3 years
$28,820,000 In state grants obtained
Employee time lost from job-site incidents
It is the integration of Project / Construction Management and Facilities Engineering in addition to D’Huy Engineering’s other expertise in Structural Design & Analysis and Forensic Engineering, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection Engineering and Infrastructure Planning & Design that provides our clients with exceptional insight and design, engineering and construction experience.
Comprehensive Design Phase Services
During design we “Value Engineer” every system and look at every aspect of the building...
We build successful projects and meet owner goals by leveraging the expertise of our technical specialists in LEED, Energy Engineering and Grants.
Upper Providence Township $2M RACP
Interboro School District $4M RACP
Northampton Township $2M RACP
Whitehall Township $1M RACP
Scranton School District $3M RACP
Upper Dublin Township $1M RACP
Bethlehem Area School District $1.5M RACP $2MACE
Southern Lehigh School District $2MACE
Council Rock School District $7.6MACE
Easton Area School District $3.36MACE
Upper Dublin School District $1.36MACE
...and before the plans are complete our Constructibility Team makes sure the Township is getting Best Value.
“Coordinate-ability” DEI confirms building systems are well coordinated with each other and MEP systems • Eliminate underground and utility and ductwork conflicts • Proper electrical rough-in for office technology • Clean scope definition for network fire alarm, security and emergency systems “Compete-ability” DEI ensures materials / equipment are specified to maximize competition • Strategies for multiple vendors / subs for building, HVAC, roofing & finishes, low voltage systems and bid alternates for cost flexibility • Strategies for Owner procurement of furniture and equipment “Maintain-ability” DEI makes sure materials / equipment are specifies to ease operation and maintenance • Coordinate lighting controls, fire alarm and security with other Municipal buildings to reduce attic stock • Maximize warranties, Owner staff training requirements & reduce the number of service contracts
Key Construction Phase Priorities & Integrated Team Approach
2 Methodical Approach to Q/A and QC During Construction
1 Rapid Mobilization is Key • Constructibility Reviews will Result in Clear and Concise Complete Bid Docs = $ Savings • Expedite early shop drawings and long lead items. • Prepare the site for utilities, foundations and steel erection. • Pursue all work to avoid interruption existing uses and planned tasks. • Contract Milestones for Accountability, Efficiently and Execution.
Verify Owner Criteria Review DWGS & Specs Coordination Verification Schedule Job Meeting Review Final Conditions Pre-Installation Meetings Mockups Aesthetics Meeting Visual Criteria Manufacturer’s Requirements Ready for Install Pre-Installaion Process
Field Observation & Monitoring Workmanship Testing Weather Aesthetic Meeting Visual Criteria Final Inspection Recommend Payment Startup & Verification Commissioning Turnover Final Outcome Owner Satisfaction
Process During Installation
3 Uncompromised Approach to Safety and Phasing
6 Continuous Risk Management to Minimize Owner Liability • Continuous focus on compliance with phasing and work scope. • Proactive prompts on submittals, reviews and timely delivery. • Web-Based Project Management Software • Site Utilization and security planning • Organized Commissioning and Turnover process. • Third party: -Construction Testing -Testing and Balancing -Commissioning and Verification 4 Relentless Focus on Budget and Best Value • DEI uses a continuous Value Engineering (VE) process to help reduce cost and increase function. We focus on project goals to guide decisions throughout the construction process. • We vigorously pursue the resolution of cost events and their impacts and seeks alternate solutions. • The Township will continuously be apprised of construction and overall project budget status.
• Safety on a construction site is important, there is no compromise on this. • We begin the project with the end in mind to ensure Owner’s goals are achieved! • The phasing and
milestone plan will be implemented from day one. 5 Diligent Concentration on Schedule and Milestones • DEI’s first step after being hired will be to create a detailed design phase schedule including permitting and approval timelines. • A construction schedule will also be created and integrated into the contract documents with important milestones. • The purpose of all schedules will be to keep everyone accountable, the design team, the contractors and even you, the owner to ensure the project is completed on time and all criteria are met!
• Value Engineering • Constructibility • Energy Efficiency • Competitive Bids
• Flexibility • Durability • Maintainability • Community
METHODICAL PURSUIT OF QUALITY DURING DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION • Constructability • Compatibility • Multi-Stage Reviews
• Design , Permits, Approvals • Construction Phasing • Multi-Prime Responsibilities • Accountability
RISK AND LIABILITY REDUCTION • Clear, Concise, Complete Construction Documents • Custom Front End Specs • Commissioning • Organized Turnover
UNCOMPROMISED APPROACH TO SAFETY AND PHASING • Cleanliness • Circulation • Separation • Site is a Public Facility 1st and Construction site 2nd…
Facilities Engineering Qualifications
D’Huy Engineering, Inc. has provided master planning, facility engineering and feasibility studies for many cli- ents over the years. The evidence of our success lies with these clients as they are repeat clients who have come to trust and rely on the quality of our long range capital improvement plan development.
As current infrastructure continues to age and new infrastructure require- ments continue to develop, both pub- lic and private clients are facing new demands for their capital programs. Infrastructure projects often have unique challenges and significant risks due to their scale, location or function. DEI has involvement with the infrastructure capital delivery process including assessments, capi- tal planning, design, bidding and con- struction inspection/management.
Our innovative design solutions com- bined with respect for traditional en- gineering practices create a versatile portfolio of new facility design, his- toric building restoration, structural system rehabilitation, and individual structural component upgrades and strengthening. DEI maintains a collab- orative approachwith the design team to deliver practical, creative, and cost effective structural design solutions.
We provide comprehensive facilities engineering services for projects rang- ing from small repairs to multi-million dollar projects. The firm’s extensive experience, sound engineering judg- ment, quality assurance, strategic in- novation, construction knowledge, and commitment to optimizing ex- penditures provides Owners with un- paralleled professional representation for all their facility needs.
The entire project management pro- cess is based on keeping the client informed and in control at all times. The DEI team’s superior technical ex- pertise and decades of practical expe- rience provides a unique combination of personnel that are trained to man- age and guide preliminary conceptual planning, schematic design, budget preparation, final design, and con- struction of projects.
Our strength comes from the vast diversity of projects we have worked on throughout the decades that we’ve been in business. Whether new construction or a renovation, we have successfully designed HVAC, plumb- ing, fire protection systems, electri- cal and communications systems for many commercial, education, health- care, laboratory, ecclesiastical, and government projects. Working close- ly with facility operators, architects, and contractors to develop conceptual ideas into energy efficient, cost effec- tive and maintainable solutions.
D’Huy Engineering, Inc. Established in 1976 Pennsylvania Corporation since October 18, 2002
Philadelphia Regional Office 31 East Butler Avenue Ambler, PA 19002
Office Headquarters One East Broad Street, Suite 310
Delaware Regional Office 1500 W. 7th Street Wilmington, DE 19805
Bethlehem, PA 18018 Phone: 610.865.3000
Fax: 610.865.0181 www.dhuy.com
Firm Principles: M. Arif Fazil, Ronald C. Carr, James P. Lynch, Peter M. Garland, Josh A. Grice, Craig W. Murray, & Henry Guarriello
Firm Officers: M. Arif Fazil, President Ronald C. Carr, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer
Primary Contact M. Arif Fazil, PE, CCS, CCCA, LEED AP, CEM President
Office Phone: 610.865.3000 Cell Phone: 484.357.6457 Email: maf@dhuy.com
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