Facility Engineering Services

Facilities Engineering Qualifications




D’Huy Engineering, Inc. has pro- vided master planning, facility engineering and feasibility studies for many clients over the years. The evidence of our success lies with these clients as they are re- peat clients who have come to trust and rely on the quality of our long range capital improvement plan development.

As current infrastructure contin- ues to age and new infrastructure requirements continue to develop, both public and private clients are facing new demands for their cap- ital programs. Infrastructure proj- ects often have unique challenges and significant risks due to their scale, location or function. DEI has involvement with the infrastruc- turecapitaldeliveryprocessinclud- ing assessments, capital planning, design, bidding and construction inspection/management.

Our innovative design solutions combined with respect for tradi- tional engineering practices cre- ate a versatile portfolio of new facility design, historic building restoration, structural system re- habilitation, and individual struc- tural component upgrades and strengthening. DEI maintains a collaborative approach with the design team to deliver practical, creative, and cost effective struc- tural design solutions.

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