Facility Engineering Services

600 Million $ of construction managed in the past 3 years

$18,377,916 In state grants obtained

Employee time lost from job-site incidents

Our Project Management and Facilities Engineering experience provides each client with single source project delivery including planning, pre-design, design and construction phase services.Ourfirm’sextensiveexperience, soundengineeringjudgment,emphasisonquality, innovation, knowledge of construction techniques, and concern for optimizing expenditures, results in unparalleled professional representation for all the Owner’s needs for large and small projects alike. Our repeat clients have come to trust and utilize our Engineering and Capital Improvement Planning Services so as to minimize facility “surprises,” add value, minimize costs and budget accurately over many years.

It is the integration of Project / Construction Management and Facilities Engineering in addition to D’Huy Engineering’s other expertise in Structural Design & Analysis and Forensic Engineering that provides our clients with exceptional insight and design, engineering and construction experience.

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