DEI Services - Infrastructure
Water and wastewater utilities are constantly being forced to do more with less. Regulatory requirements are more stringent and capital and O&M budgets are stretched thin. Consequently, owners must make well-informed decisions regarding the scope, timing and approach to capital projects. At D’Huy Engineering, Inc. (DEI), we deliver capital programs. Whether the project is a $20,000 roof replacement or a $20million plant-wide upgrade, our agile and knowledgeable team will listen to understand client needs and then rigorously and creatively attack the design and construction phases of the project.
CONDITION ASSESSMENT & CAPITAL PLANNING Maintaining the assets of a utility requires continuous investment. DEI provides plant or system-wide condition assessments specifically tailored to each client. Following a detailed, documented assessment DEI can provides comprehensive capital plans to drive budgeting and implementation decisions. BUILDING ENVELOPE AND STRUCTURAL REHABILITATION During the constant effort required to maintain and operate equipment to meet treatment and supply demands, buildings and structures are often neglected. DEI specializes in structural refurbishment of existing facilities so that owners can obtain decades of additional service for their existing assets. EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT OR UPGRADES As equipment reaches the end of its useful life, Owners often look for an engineering firm to cost-effectively design, procure and oversee the installation of replacement work. DEI understands what it takes coordinate the installation of new equipment while maintaining critical operations. STRUCTURAL DESIGN SERVICES DEI is a nimble and efficient structural design firm. While we have all the capabilities and experience required to design large water- containing structures, we are just as proficient and willing to design small buildings, structures or additions to accommodate the ever-changing facility requirements of utilities. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Once a project has been awarded to a contractor, it is imperative to assure that the intent of the design is maintained throughout construction. DEI provides full or part-time inspections services utilizing experienced and knowledgeable staff who actively engage both contractors and owners to assure project success.
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