Athletic Facilities - Experience and Qualifications
Project Experience and References - Nazareth Area School D
Concept Studies Cost Estimating Design / Contractor Engagement Construction Oversight D’Huy Engineering (DEI) has been the Facilities Engineer for the Nazareth Area School District for more than 20 years and is responsible for the plan- ning, design and construction of all new and renovated facilities. In 2007, the District embarked on an athletic improvements plan to upgrade its exist- ing stadium, add an athletic fieldhouse, add a new LEED Gold certified middle school with synthetic track and field, add new natural turf performance fields and install a synthetic turf base- ball field. The baseball field was the fi- nal project completed in 2019.
New Baseball Facility
In 2017 DEI planned and designed a new state-of-the-a trict’s High School. D’Huy Engineering collaborated w project concept. Once the scope was determined, ske Sports Facility Designer and presented for considerati preferred design and the project was approved. Alt challenges with excessive rainfall in the area, the Naz open their 2019 Baseball Season with a victory on the
Dr. Dennis Riker Nazareth Area School District Superintendent 610-759-1170
Raymond Ramella Nazareth Area School District Athletics & Coordinator of Student Activities 610-759-1362
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